Friday, April 19, 2013

Science Exploration Blog

10 Crazy Fun Science Experiments

1. Lava Lamps - In this experiment, you can see the difference in densities of oil and water in a crazy cool way! 

2. Glowing Water - In this experiment put regular old tonic water under a black light and explore the different types of luminescence.
3. Fake Snot! Gross! - So you might be asking yourself, what is the purpose of this experiment? Well, snot in the body is actually very beneficial. Mucus is made mostly of sugars and protein. Although different than the ones found in the real thing, this is exactly what you use to make your fake snot!
4. Honey and Crystallization- While this experiment is rather lengthy, it's well worth the investigation. Test honey at different dilutions and see how long it takes to form crystals.

5. Hand Sanitizer and Bread!?!? -No, this is not a lunch idea. It actually is an experiment about mold! Test hand soap and sanitizer to see if they can repel mold from growing on your bread.
6.Plastic Milk- Create plastic from boiled milk and vinegar (called casein). Explore the different properties of this material.
7. Experiment with Yeast -Watch the magic of yeast as it grows and expands right before your very eyes!

8. Squishy Eggs -What happens to an egg when you leave it in vinegar? Find out!
9. The Ocean in Motion -Take another look at water and oil. Create this crazy cool craft in the process!
10. Yeast Balloons- Investigate the properties of yeast again in this activity. What the magic happen again!
11. Dancing Raisins -Grab some club soda and watch these guys dance! This experiment explores Buoyancy! 

12. Keep a Cube -See how long you can keep an ice cube from melting in this crazy fun science experiment

Crazy Fun Science Lessons

Here are some great lessons to do at home with your kids. Have fun and share in the exploration of many different topics.



Baby Chicks

Animal Homes

All about Owls



Classic Volcano

All About Air 

Our Solar System 


Fruits and Vegetables 

Rotten Food 


Great Science Reads

(All descriptions courtesy of


Discover the secrets of the Earth -- from the far reaches of the atmosphere to deep beneath the surface. Here is a spectacular guide to the fascinating story of the Earth. It will change your understanding of the world in which we live.


From the Solar System to the Milky Way, from Mars to Mercury, this book has it all. Space is a great first guide to the mysteries and wonders of our incredible universe.


This book explains how animals recycle all over the world.  Animals in different habitats use recycled material to build homes, protect themselves, and get food. This will teach readers about the importance of recycling and inspire them to take part in protecting and conserving the environment by recycling in their own way.


Read about hot melted rock from the middle of our planet, and explore the volcanic fury that can terrorize populations for months, even years. National Geographic provides fantastic images that are sure to capture all children's' interest. 


This book explains, in elementary terms, what clouds are and how they form. The book points out that while clouds look soft, they are actually wet and usually very cold. It's a great introduction to the world of clouds.


This book looks at harsh habitats and considers some of the animals and plants that manage to survive in the hottest, coldest, highest, and driest places on Earth.


Animal tracks are everywhere. This book looks at animal tracks in YOUR neck of the woods.  It contains descriptions of the animals and their tracks are combined with detailed drawings of stride patterns and other important identifying features.


 This book contains great underwater pictures and explores the deepest depths of the ocean. It's a great way to learn about all your favorite critters.


This book contains scientifically accurate commentary and colorful graphics to take students on an  exploration of the amazing, hidden world of cells, proteins, and DNA.


Learn about the amazing journey different animals take every year to survive. It looks at the zebra, walrus, Christmas Island red crab and many more. 



Investigation Box- All about the Weather

In this discovery box, students will be able to take an in depth look at all the components of weather.  


All of these texts can be used as resources for students during  the weather investigation lesson.  Some focus on one specific area (such as rain) while others contain a multitude of basic facts across several topics. All of these contain amazing visuals for a more enjoyable and realistic experience.



Clothing- These materials would be used when discussing the characteristics of weather. For example it is wet when it rains, so we need waterproof clothing and it's cold when it snows, so we need warmer clothing.

Posters- These are materials that  can be used to show how weather is measured and how the weather varies in different areas.

Recording Sheets- These would be used by students when using the investigation box to check for understanding.

1.This sheet would be used to assess what students already know and what they want to learn. Click on the image to see a larger view.

2. To coincide with the clothing included, students can look at the clothing typically worn for changing weather. Click on the  image for a larger view.

Additional Resources- For a more in depth look at weather and its characteristics, the following websites would be useful to students. 





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